Installing Jekyll locally on Ubuntu and getting it running using Windows Hyper-V

Installing Jekyll locally on Ubuntu and getting it running using Windows Hyper-V

This post is still a work in progress as of 05/17/2024

  1. Create a new Hyper-V VM installing Ubuntu 22.04
  2. Run updates for Ubuntu (reboot if necessary)
  3. Install GIT

    sudo apt install git

  4. Install Bundler

    sudo apt install bundler

  5. Install RBEnv to allow for multiple versions of Ruby
  6. Install Jekyll GEM
  7. Install other required libraries

    sudo apt install libvips-tools

  8. Create a projects directory via a terminal:

    mkdir projects

  9. Navigate into the project directory:

    cd projects

  10. Clone the JekyllExample repository, from a Terminal in Ubunty type

    git clone

  11. Navigate into the new directory


  12. Run the following terminal command to get everything installed properly

    bundle install

  13. Run Jekyll to start a local webserver

    bundle exec jekyll serve

  14. Browse to in your web browser

Next steps:

  1. If you have a large repository, or a large number of repositories, you might run out of disk space on your Hyper-V VM, if that’s the case check out this tutorial for how to expand your Ubuntu disk.
  2. Install Homebrew and Git Credential Manager

    /bin/bash -c “$(curl -fsSL”

brew tap microsoft/git brew install –cask git-credential-manager-core
